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Overindulging - The Magnetism of Pleasure and Pain
There's an unseen dance between pleasure and pain that shapes our choices and our actions. I know that in the past you've probably been...

What is an Eating Coach?
Have you ever wondered why so many people who strive for weight loss struggle to maintain their progress? Or maybe you've mulled over the...

Five Italian Wellness Hacks - How I Improved My Life
After living in Italy for almost 16 years, I now understand how I can indulge in pasta, gelato, and unlimited amounts of cheese and still...

Hormones and Weight Gain - Insulin
Insulin, one of the most important hormones when it comes to weight gain, regulates your blood sugar and controls how much glucose your...

Hormones and Weight Gain - Leptin & Ghrelin
As most women know, hormones are incredibly powerful chemicals that deeply impact our bodies and lifestyle, including weight. But just...

The best diet to lose belly fat
Recently I have seen a very toned gentleman promoting his latest diet for women over a certain age who wanted to lose belly fat. Of...

Stop Snacking!
Bread, cheese, cake, biscuits, there anything you'd like to add to the list of food that you crave in the late afternoon?...

Is Pasta Healthy?
Is pasta fattening and is pasta healthy, as someone who lives in Italy that's a question I hear all the time...and here's the answer

Why you can’t loose weight and keep it off PART 1
January, the time of year that many people start living in that rat wheel again, you know the one….new year new you, diet, exercise,...
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